What's New at New Directions Australia

Meet The New Butters In Our Range

Kombo Butter Unrefined, enriched with a range of nourishing fatty acids, offers a wealth of benefits for your skin. 
When used sparingly in the preparation of balms and creams, particularly for aging skin, it aids in reducing the effects of imperfections and stretch marks.

Sheanut Nilotica Butter is often described as being softer, creamier, and having a milder scent compared to Shea butter from West Africa. It has a lower melting point, making it easier to apply to the skin and hair. This smooth and creamy butter allows you to create nourishing treatments with a delightful aroma.

Renowned for its exceptional stability, this solid-at-room-temperature yet skin-melting butter is a coveted ingredient among cosmetic formulators. Ideal for body butters, it not only pampers your skin with luxurious hydration, but can also offer relief from irritation, making it a must-have for soothing your body and scalp.